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Beautiful Verona

Where in the world is Verona?
The New Oxford American Dictionary
states that Verona is:
"A city on the Adige River,
in north-eastern Italy."
During May I was privileged to spend
some time in Verona, Italy.

I had seen pictures of Verona,
but until you see the city with your own eyes,
you cannot fully understand how beautiful
it truly is.

"O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?"
(William Shakespeare)
Verona. Home of  Romeo and Juliet.
 Also, home of my friend Helga.
What an incredible place to grow up in. 
 I'm so glad that Helga decided to share
her hometown with me.
 I enjoyed every minute that we spent exploring!

 A plaque on Verona's old city wall states:
"There is no world without Verona walls,
 But purgatory, torture, Hell itself,
Hence banished is banish'd from the world,
And world's exile is death..."
(William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, Act 3, Scene 3)

Have you ever loved a place so much that you actually felt pain at the thought of having to leave? Shakespeare
described Romeo's anguish.
Romeo couldn't bear the thought
of leaving Verona and Juliet.
When it came time for us to leave Verona, I left with the hope that my once-in-a-lifetime trip would not be only "once!" I hope that I will have the opportunity to visit again,
very soon!